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Celebrating Bung Karno Month, PDIP Celebrates People's Health Service Innovation

June 18, 2022.

The PDI Perjuangan (PDIP) DPP held a People's Health Service Innovation Festival which was still in the series of Bung Karno Month commemorations.

The PDI Perjuangan (PDIP) DPP held a People's Health Service Innovation Festival which was still in the series of Bung Karno Month commemorations. The activity is open to cadres and the community, especially mothers.

PDIP realizes the importance of building broad public awareness of the importance of preventing chronic nutritional problems in children or stunting.

"In the practice of national and state life, the PDI-P has made the 1945 Constitution a mandate and policy basis to improve the quality of people's lives for the future. Fulfillment of nutrition for toddlers is very important for the sustainability of the nation," said Secretary General of PDIP Hasto, Saturday (18/6/2022) .

The event was held at the PDI-P DPP Party School, Lenteng Agung, South Jakarta, and was opened by the Chair of the DPP for Political Affairs as well as the Chair of the DPR, Puan Maharani.

"The plan is that Ms. Puan will later deliver a welcoming speech with pregnant women," explained the Head of the PDI-P DPP for Disaster Management, doctor Ribka Tjiptaning.

On this occasion, a discussion will be held with a number of resource persons. Stunting counseling by the Head of BKKBN, Hasto Wardoyo. Then the stunting prevention food product campaign by Dr. Laksana Tri Handoko, Head of BRIN.

"There was also a demonstration of cooking a healthy menu to overcome stunting by the Deputy Mayor of Semarang, Mbak Ita (Hevearita Gunaryanti Rahayu)," said Tjiptaning, who is known as a progressive populist doctor.

Tjiptaning said that 500 pregnant women will also participate in the event, apart from the cadres. PDIP believes that through briefing or early education for young couples, it is important as a preventive measure. Starting from an understanding of intake when the mother is pregnant to birth when the child is born until the age of two.

"Political parties are responsible for and contribute to the decline in the stunting rate of children under two years of age from 32.9 percent to 20 percent by the end of 2024 in all districts/cities through increasing public awareness and changing people's behavior," said Tjiptaning.

In addition to socializing on stunting, the People's Health Service Innovation Festival also presented a Healthy Kitchen Overcoming Stunting (DASHAT), lunch with pregnant women and 250 prospective bridal couples and hundreds of babies under two years old.

Tjiptaning emphasized that the basis of the event was carried out because of the lack of knowledge about stunting in the community. In fact, in order to prevent stunting, a massive and simple source of information needs to be conveyed.

"The willingness to access health information about pregnancy, the postpartum period, breastfeeding, complementary feeding, and immunization must be comprehensive. There are many findings that health workers find it difficult to explain to the public about stunting. And, only a small proportion of pregnant women, under-fives, RT members, health workers, leaders Religion and community leaders as well as the health office understand the negative impact of being stunted," said Tjiptaning.

Tjiptaning said that in this agenda, there would be a number of PDIP DPP Chairmen such as Sri Rahayu and Wasekjen Sadarestuwati along with female cadres who were members of the DPR-RI PDIP faction. There were also performances by a number of singers called Artists of the Archipelago. They will entertain all guests present.

"Mbak Krisdayanti together with Harvey Malaihollo and Andre Hehanussa are planned to appear at the People's Health Service Innovation Festival," concluded Tjiptaning.

Google Translated.



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