June 03, 2022. ADDIS ABABA.
The African Union Commission renews its strong support to the efforts undertaken by the Trilateral.
As the AU-IGAD-UN Trilateral Mechanism prepares to launch direct talks among parties to the political conflict in Sudan; the African Union Commission renews its strong support to the efforts undertaken by the Trilateral, and calls on all active political and social parties in Sudan to respond positively to the trilateral invitation to facilitate genuine and honest talks, based on good faith, and which takes on the construction of appropriates constitutional arrangements for the remaining of the transitional period , as well as appointment of a civilian government with wide mandate to manage the country’s affairs, including urgent economical, security and humanitarian needs of the Sudanese people. In addition, this government should be mandated to prepare to organize free, transparent and democratic elections that paves the way to a democratic and sustainable governance system capable of responding to the needs of a deep democratic transformation that fulfills the aspirations of all social, ethnical and religious segments of the Sudanese people.
The African Union Commission calls on all international community components to support this path and cease any efforts to restrict or distort its progress.