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6 Nov - 18 Nov 2022. SHARM EL-SHEIKH, Egypt.

The Sharm El-Sheikh Climate Change conference will take place from 6-18 November 2022. The venue is Sharm El-Sheikh International Convention Centre (SHICC)

From the podium

The COP 26 Presidency and the incoming-COP 27 Presidency are committed to ensuring a transparent and inclusive process in the lead-up to COP 27 to be convened in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt from 6 – 18 November 2022.

Throughout the year, the Presidencies will engage at ministerial, head of delegation and technical levels, as appropriate, on issues critical to the delivery of work in 2022 and the success of COP 27. Regular multilateral consultations at the level of heads of delegation will provide an opportunity for Parties to engage informally on specific issues and make progress in preparation for Sharm el-Sheikh.

High Level Champions and Marrakech Partnership Program for COP27

The High-Level Champions and Marrakech Partnership programme for COP 27 is done in collaboration with the programme of the COP 27 Presidency.

The programme unites government and non-Party stakeholders, fostering collaboration among them to deliver greenhouse gas emission reductions and help ensure a just transition to a net-zero economy which alleviates poverty and helps secure a sustainable future.

This programme is being under development. Concept notes, programmes and outcome documents of these events will be posted on this page as they become available.



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